Comparing signs & symptoms of picky eating and feeding disorders

Picky Eating
Picky eating is common during childhood, affecting 25-33% of children.
Toddlers find a sense of control in deciding what foods they will eat.
- Strong preferences
- Limited variety
- Restricted number of tolerated foods
- Avoiding new foods
- Refusing ‘right’ amount of food
- Requiring certain meals from parents
- May eat differently in different settings
Feeding Disorder
Feeding disorders include severe and prolonged symptoms of picky eating.
They are often seen in children with a history of feeding problems (reflux, time
in NICU) and children with medical/developmental disorders.
- Losing/not gaining weight
- Frequent gagging/vomiting while eating
- Crying/extreme distress during meal times
- Difficulty chewing foods that are texturally appropriate for age
- Taking longer than 30 minutes to finish meals/snacks
- Refusing foods of certain types/textures