Positive Outcomes for Clients with Swallowing Issues
Name of Patient – We will call him John Smith
John Smith and his spouse arrived at the Cleveland Feeding and Swallowing Center LLC after John experienced a brain stem stroke that left him unable to swallow even his own saliva. Having received treatment at another center in Cleveland without success for 24 days, exhausting his insurance coverage, John was advised to seek therapy elsewhere. This led him to discover our center.
The Cleveland Feeding and Swallowing Center collaborates closely with Gastroenterology Associates of Cleveland, located in Beachwood. During John’s initial visit and evaluation, it was determined that he needed to be seen by Dr. Frankel, who would then perform dilation on John. Afterward, I would administer Vital Stim (NMES) to enhance his muscle function, strengthen his swallow, and determine what foods John could eat.
It took over 39 sessions of Vital Stim (NMES) and six dilation procedures for John to regain his ability to eat. After three months of collaborative therapy with Dr. Frankel and myself, John returned home, enjoying all kinds of food. There is hope for patients like John; it takes a dedicated team to make a difference. John came to us carrying a bag for spitting and left our center happily eating a hamburger.
Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 216-320-2456. At present, we offer online therapy for speech, swallowing, and voicing. Vital Stim, being a hands-on therapy, will be available once the current virus situation has passed. Vital Stim is a form of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation.